This is the documentation for the Smarter Drafter API.
The Smarter Drafter API is designed around REST principles, accepts and responds with JSON-encoded entities and uses standard API key HTTP authentication, response codes and verbs.
To get started you will need to have an account in Smarter Drafter so you can obtain an API key.
Environment (App URL)
"Accept": "application/json",
"Content-Type": "application/json"
"X-SmarterDrafter-Key": "
Smarter Drafter supports API Key HTTP authentication.
Each request you make to the Smarter Drafter API must include an API key using header X-SmarterDrafter-Key in the request headers following the given format.
Your API keys grant account-wide access to all entities without restriction, so be sure to keep them secure.
All API requests must be made over HTTPS and must include your API keys.
Smarter Drafter uses Path-based versioning in order to maintain backwards-compatibility when we release new changes to the API.
All endpoints begin with a v1 prefix and where a resource defines more than one version available, this can be changed to access a different version.
Backwards-compatible changes
Annature considers the following changes to be backwards-compatible:
Adding new optional parameters to an endpoint.
Adding new response properties to an endpoint's response.
Adding new a Connect event types.
Backwards compatible changes can be introduced to existing endpoint versions without prior warning, and are expected to be handled graciously by your application.
Annature considers the following changes to not be backwards-compatible, resulting in a new endpoint version being released:
Removing an endpoint's request parameter or modifying it's behaviour.
Removing a response property from an endpoint's response or modifying it's type.
Introducing new validation rules to an endpoint's request parameters.
Changing an endpoints HTTP response code.